Wednesday, November 4, 2009

1:24 am

Bile dah semangat nak mngxpresskn diri, tttiba rasa x sedap bdn plak..dowh..
Buhsan kowt.. Rimas...

Lately didedahkn dgn 'keunggulan' Fynn Jamal oleh my 2 sisz.. Bukn bru dgr pasal penyajak penuh emosi nie, tapi bile separuh jiwa d Korea, kisah ape dgn tanah sendiri?
Dekat otak 2pm, 2pm, 2pm..
As if xde benda lain dah kat dunia nie, as if xde band2 hebat lain yg tulih lagu dgn jiwa, coretkan ritma dgn lebeyh sempurna.. Kenape mesti 2pm?

Dowh, come to think about it, mesti sume org x rase ape yg sume org rase.. x sape yg akn phm why we're doing this, why we're doing that, why we're choosing this, why we're choosing that.. but the time being, i'd choose 2pm, baby.. Hahaha..

Owh, Fynn Jamal.. Nothing much to say bout her but she's crazy, that's for sure.. Well in a gud way.. She's expressive n wut's gud about that is dat she actually knows how to express 'em..
Well, i'm not into the local act now, so don't wanna say much.
Ehm, used to xtremely insane bout the these kind of acts and the indie world.. It was like the coolest thing ever. I listened to terrific records but few knew bout it, so it was sooo cool back then..
but yet again, it was back then though..
time pass by, people change, i've changed.
the new me is gonna be just fine..
Well i hope..

Cuz having the thoughts that i'm into Korean right now is pretty creepy..
As if I'm no longer me.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Aku Pulang

Dah berape taun ntah (taun ke?) aku x post pape... ntah la.. mane ntah aku g...

Tp ari ni dah kembali!

_I'm coming home again
_Maybe we can start again