Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Manu Ginobili & Friendster

I was doing nothing just now, browsing around... and stuff. And then I came across the trending searches on Google. And a familiar name caught my eyes.

Manu Ginobili.

Manu Ginobili? Sounded kind of familiar.. And without waiting for another minute, I clicked the link that referred to the trend. The first related post titled "Manu Ginobili's play makes Spurs that much tougher"Upon reading the title, everything was slowly coming back to me... well, actually the word "Spurs" did the work by giving me a hint. Manu Ginobili is an NBA player, a basketball player, it is. 

So here how the story of my fading memories goes... It was back then when I was quite a fan of Houston Rockets.. yeah, basketball and stuff. I had the chance to watch the match between these two teams, Spurs and Rocket. During the game, which was in 2007 if I'm not mistaken, Ginobili seemed to stand out if compared to others.. okay maybe not over Yao Ming.. :D And that's how I started to kind of adore and admire this figure, Mr. Manu Ginobili.

So, when I was reading the title, my mind went back to the time when I used to download his photo and made it as my Friendster's default picture. 

(anyway, this is not actual what my DP used to look like, 
i couldn't find the exact one anymore, how sad.)

Yes, I said 'Friendster'. And it got me thinking, "Friendster.... what has it became now?"

Therefore, I righted away logged into Friendster. To my surprise, what I saw was nothing like the website I used to logged into almost everyday when I was 14-17. It has changed into some lame flash-game site, and there is no trace of social-networking site in it.

At that time, it did not really bother me, as I thought "Just do whatever changes you want to do, friendster, as long as you don't remove the photos and messages from my profile." So I randomly clicked the button on the page, wanting to take a look at my abandoned profile. 

And this is the most frustrating part; I could not find any! TㅂT... My photos, my messages, all those commenting history and memories of my adolescent life, they vanished just like that! How frustrating, seriously.

I thought there is a chance that I could retrieve all those stuffs and keep them safely with me, but there is nothing. And of course, I am not the only one who feel this way. They even have the sort-of like petition where people who feel the same way can express their feelings about the 'lost' and how all those things mean a lot to them. It's here.

Anyway, there must be a reason behind it; why friendster team did the thing that they do. Because whatever reason behind it, I believe it was definitely INTENTIONAL. My theory is that they just want to take revenge over its users that used to glorify Friendster back then and made it the most prominent social networking website before the rising of Facebook. But now, who really cares about Friendster anymore? Exactly, no one. And this probably had led to the major lost to the company. There is basically nothing can be done, and 'revenge' was all left then. And maybe the new 'gaming thing' could provide them with something, who knows.

Sad, sad, this is saddening.
Manu Ginobili is getting old.
Friendster has lost its way.
I was not even told.
But, my memories is still fading away.

Manu Ginobili recently...
Nice teeth.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Forever A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, in a very small town far far way, there lived a boy and a girl, happily in different shelters.
The boy and the girl had known each other for a couple of years, since they had shared the same acquaintances.
However, the truth behind the relationship was that both of them were not comfortable being with each other, but no one ever knew about it.

Being a nice person that boy was, he always smiled politely and showered the girl with friendly greets whenever they met, although deep inside, he knew it did not mean much to him if he did not do that.
At first the girl would do the same thing to the boy, she smiled and greet back. And that practice repeated itself from day to day.
After months had passed she found it disturbing to say hi to someone she did not like to be with, and she decided to act differently the next time she met him.

On the next day, the boy, as polite as always, greeted the girl with his sweetest smile. Somehow this time, the girl had mustered her courage to not even give a flicker of recognition to his presence when their eyes met. And she looked away.
Shocked by the action, the boy got home and started to questioned himself of what he had done wrong and the thoughts of it ruined his day.

On the next day, they bumped to each other again but this time the boy had to struggle to get an eye contact with her, which ended up with failure. He got home and the thought ruined him again, thinking what he had done wrong that she had to treat him that way.

On the next day, they met again but this time the boy did not even bother to look at her face, her figure or even her shadow. They just passed each other pretending they had never known each other, ever. With this kind of act shown by the boy, the girl felt so relieved. She believed that now the boy understood it. Being insignificant to her, it never necessary for him to keep putting his masked on and acted all nice to her. It never really mattered.

Now both of them felt much comfortable living their life as normal teenagers, being apart form each other. And now both of them, too, did not have to pretend to be nice for the sake of social cue. Moreover, now, they could live happily ever after.

The end.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Acoustic 어쿠스틱 English Subtitle

I've been browsing for ages for this. Guess I'm pretty lucky today so I found it.
I found it from Asia torrent.

Presenting the English Sub for the Korean Movie:
어쿠스틱 or Acoustic in srt file. :-D
Here's the link.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012



I am so sorry. I really mean it this time, unlike the time when I uttered those words as I pulled out our house door's keys from my  pocket when you have already had the keys in your hand even before we crossed the road. At that time I was sorry, but not as much as I am right now.

I am not sure if you realized this though we have known each other for almost two years now. I am not good at this. Am not good at apologizing when I know for sure I have done wrong. Usually  I would just sit/stand next to you, say your name, and just give you that look without saying anything. And usually, too, you would ask 'what is it?', and I would say nothing and smile, telling myself that's good enough. That way of apologizing, if you consider it as one.

And again, I admit it. I am so bad at saying sorry. And for that, too, I am sorry.

Friday, December 23, 2011

I believe.

I want to marry basketball.

I've lived it.
I've loved it.

I've lusted it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lyric 가슴이 욕해 - You're Beautiful OST

김동욱 - 가슴이 욕해

조 금 더 웃 어 요
행 복 한 미 소 로
자 꾸 만 그 댈 찾 는
내 맘 달 래 도 록

조 금 더 웃 어 요
세 상 이 그 댈 질 투 하 도 록
자 꾸 만 그 댈 부 르 는 내 맘 이
욕 심 도 내 질 못 할 테 니

가 슴 이 욕 해 사 랑 한 단 말 조 차 못 하 니 까
눈 물 이 터 져 그 리 움 이 흐 르 고 흐 르 니 까
가 시 처 럼 목 에 걸 려 버 린 슬 픈 그 말 만
하 루 종 일 귓 가 에 맴 돌 고 만 있 죠

왜 하 필 그 대 죠
그 대 를 사 랑 하 게 됐 는 지
고 갤 저 어 도
아 니 라 고 해 도
이 미 그 댈 놓 질 못 하 네 요

가 슴 이 욕 해 사 랑 한 단 말 조 차 못 하 니 까
눈 물 이 터 져 그 리 움 이 흐 르 고 흐 르 니 까
가 시 처 럼 목 에 걸 려 버 린 슬 픈 그 말 만
하 루 종 일 귓 가 에 맴 돌 고 만 있 죠

사 랑 해 요 그 댈 사 랑 해 요 영 원 히
그 대 날 보 지 않 는 데 도

수 천 번 씩 그 댈 부 르 고 불 러 봐 도 모 르 죠
항 상 그 자 리 에 서 그 댈 기 다 려 도 모 르 죠
바 보 처 럼 그 저 바 라 보 는 못 난 사 랑 을
그 대 는 모 르 시 죠
아 무 리 불 러 도

By KIm Dong Woo

(Romanization hanya akan dipost atas permintaan)
(Romanization will be post if you ask for it)

So, just ask.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mari tulis, tulis dan tulis.

Ke macam dah lmbat sngt.. ahh.. itu lah.. dari dulu smpy sekarang x pernah berubah.. buat kerja separuh jalan, buat keputusan x bertepatan.. wujud ker kosa kata bertepatan? mcm pelik pulak bunyiknyer. entah la faz. kau ni lahir kat malaysia.. perak to be exact. kemudian, skolah kat perak gak. time form 4 kelam2 nk g 'boarding school' la konon.. eleh kat perak gak. lepas abis skola, waaa~~ g matriks la.. dowh! kat perak gak?! tp xreti2 nk igt asal usul..

asal usul?

aper nie.. per yg aku ckp nie.. ni ha.. masalah bertepatan tdi tue.. aku tak ingat la.. dah laaaammmaaaaa sngt x blaja bahse kebangsaan ku ini.. (sigh..).. ok. org len pown dah lamer gak x belajar bahsa melayu cam kat skola dulu, tp bleyh bla je kan. sebb dorg x lupe diri..

dorg kwn dgn org melayu beb. hari2, haru2 speaking malay...

-aku duk umah terperuk cam ner nk jumper kwn...

dorng baca paper la, byk jer sok kaba melayu...

-aku bace gak..tpi sedeyh la.. less than 1 min aku selak punyer selak punyer selak, dah smpy seksyen sukan, tutup trus la... x minat..

dorang tgk tv. name pown malaysia, berlambak ah citer melayu...

-nak tgk2 leh la. tp aku bace subtitle.. tv aku pon.. aish.. malas ckp la...tv tv..

dorg baca novel.. perkataan sumer lengkap. gerenti xde shortform punyer..

-novel per nak bce? aku tgk kat cover novel tue 'penulis thriller no 1 d malaysia', aku pown semangat la bacer.. bacer bacer bacer, x thriller langsung.. citer ape bender ntah.. aduhh.. nyesal gak la menghabiskan hmpir sepuluh minit bacer novel nie. kalo bisa ku putar masa, aku lagi rela tggu video youtube abis streaming dgn bantuan server yg sgt 'pantas' di mahligai ku yg tercinta nie, dripd bace novel tersebut.... no offense lah kepada pminat beliau n beliau sendri, it's just not my type..

dorg koman2 pon dgr lagu melayu la ngok.. bukan cam kau...

-watper nak tipu diri sendiri? aku ader la simpan lagu exist, irwansyah, hujan(wow), indigo(wow wow) dan wali band (terbaik punya!! hahaha...), tp aku g playlistku yg bertitle "Mothertongue", ay.. rase berat benor nak tekan main. [enset aku seting bahse melayu, so 'play' jadi 'main', 'pause' jadi 'jeda'...yup. aku masih syg bahsa ibundaku..] bukan nk kater x sedap2 lagu melayu sedap jugak, tapi dah x terbukak atiku ini, toksah dipaksa!

dah la. xde tips dah nk igtkn diri sndri yg KADANG2 lpe diri. Nope. yg SELALU luper diri nie.

biler org nasihat dgr dgn baik, tetapi lupa dgn baik jugak.
biler x puas hati diam, tpi rase marah jugak.
biler bahse sndri dah mak bpk ajar dri kecik, tapi makin hari makin tinggalkan jugak.
biler namer malyu, kaler itam, tapi prasan lidah caucasian.
biler jam dah kul 5.30pg tp x tdo2 lagi..

dah la tdo time. len kali tulis lagi. untuk diri sendri.

p/s: dsebabkan setting hensetku berbahasa melayu, sahabat2 pernah bertanye, "kalo bluetooth dia tukar jadik per?" .....mak. itu satu penghinaan bahasa kita. kau fikirlah sendiri..

Friday, May 21, 2010

Kau Perlu Yg Lain.... Aku Yg Ini...

I'm sorry.

I wish i could say it.
He right away lite up the cigarette once i broke the news. I guess he needed it.
The smell of the smoke filled up the air. I could see it calms the atmosphere. I stopped breathing.For a minute there, it got me thinking. Then i started to take a deep breathe. Very deep one.

Yup. I needed it too.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

1:24 am

Bile dah semangat nak mngxpresskn diri, tttiba rasa x sedap bdn plak..dowh..
Buhsan kowt.. Rimas...

Lately didedahkn dgn 'keunggulan' Fynn Jamal oleh my 2 sisz.. Bukn bru dgr pasal penyajak penuh emosi nie, tapi bile separuh jiwa d Korea, kisah ape dgn tanah sendiri?
Dekat otak 2pm, 2pm, 2pm..
As if xde benda lain dah kat dunia nie, as if xde band2 hebat lain yg tulih lagu dgn jiwa, coretkan ritma dgn lebeyh sempurna.. Kenape mesti 2pm?

Dowh, come to think about it, mesti sume org x rase ape yg sume org rase.. x sape yg akn phm why we're doing this, why we're doing that, why we're choosing this, why we're choosing that.. but the time being, i'd choose 2pm, baby.. Hahaha..

Owh, Fynn Jamal.. Nothing much to say bout her but she's crazy, that's for sure.. Well in a gud way.. She's expressive n wut's gud about that is dat she actually knows how to express 'em..
Well, i'm not into the local act now, so don't wanna say much.
Ehm, used to xtremely insane bout the these kind of acts and the indie world.. It was like the coolest thing ever. I listened to terrific records but few knew bout it, so it was sooo cool back then..
but yet again, it was back then though..
time pass by, people change, i've changed.
the new me is gonna be just fine..
Well i hope..

Cuz having the thoughts that i'm into Korean right now is pretty creepy..
As if I'm no longer me.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Aku Pulang

Dah berape taun ntah (taun ke?) aku x post pape... ntah la.. mane ntah aku g...

Tp ari ni dah kembali!

_I'm coming home again
_Maybe we can start again